Exclusive Magic

Fusion Loops - Reintroducing this clever magic effect that utilizes principles of origami.  Two loops of paper are linked together.  With a tug, it instantly becomes one piece of paper.  Very cool.  Comes with the original instructions as well as new routines.
Left Align Contact us at info@RabbitMagic.com for a complete price list.

              Jumbo Levitating Card

A jumbo card is floats magically from one hand to the other.  It even does a complete revolution.  Utilizes the clever, Floats Anything gimmick.

Snap Scarves to Streamer

Align CenterShow one scarf and with a flick of the wrist, another appears!  Blow gently and the knot melts away.  Another flick of the wrist, another silk appears!  One last grand, circular motion and a 7.5 foot long streamer comes cascading out of nowhere in a spray of confetti.

Is This Your Card? Greeting Cards -

Use as a magical greeting card or as a prediction/revelation.